Hobbsy's House

Hobbsy's House

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Some pipe cleaners and fluffy bobbles

It's amazing what kids can do with some very basic materials. I bought a big bag of fluffy bobbles and pipe cleaners with the idea of doing something arty with them. Today it was rainy and I hadn't managed to find a suitable activity but I thought the 2 year olds might just like playing with them as a sensory activity so I tipped them all into a tub...

And discovered all the bobbles had holes in so you could thread the pipe cleaners through! The kids loved this, just the simple act of threading was enough to keep the little ones happy. So good for their fine motor skills too.

And then my older kids joined in and it all got more creative!

Brilliant bit of entertainment for just a few quid from Playright scrapstore.

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