Hobbsy's House

Hobbsy's House

Friday, 21 December 2012

A festival of Christmas activities!

We've rounded off a brilliant year with some lovely Christmassy activities. I've not got round to blogging much as we've been so busy, so here's a quick run down:

We've made christmassy cupcakes:

 Saltdough decorations:
 We've partied!
 We've played with snowy sensory trays:

 And peppermint christmas tree playdough:

 We've decorated the Christmas tree:

 And exlpored a Christmassy discovery box:
 Done Christmassy colouring in:
 Made snowmen:
And gingerbread Christmas trees:
 Explored the oaty, pepperminty Christmas sensory tray:
 Gone on a trip to Winter Wonderland:
 Made Christmas cards:
 Been to see the Coca Cola lorry:
 And finished off with Christmas dinner:

It's been so much fun - hope Father Christmas brings something lovely for all these good little boys and girls!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Making an Advent Wreath

There are so many lovely Christmassy craft ideas out there, we just have to try them out over the next few weeks. We started with an Advent Wreath, the finished article didn't look that spectacular if I'm honest, but the kids really enjoyed the process which is the main thing!

First we painted the wreath (made out of paper plates!) red

Then we glued green hand prints made out of tissue paper onto the wreath

This bit was FUN! The babies rolled cut up tissue rolls in white paint before adding glitter. We'll use this method again, they loved it!

The finished article; an advent wreath - kind of!